Saturday, March 29, 2008

What purpose does the killing serve? Only to rid Iraq of its ethnicity.

The Maliki government openly states it is unsuccessful in 'defeating' long established militias. So when the violence against the Shia began, The Green Zone Iraqis lost all the ground they ever made in bringing the people of Iraq together. Any diplomatic process was trashed and a ceasefire was then violated between the Sistani Shia and The Green Zone Iraqis.

...Nouri al-Maliki, the Iraqi prime minister, conceded failure in his bid to crush rebel fighters in Basra today, offering an extended deadline and cash incentives for the surrender of heavy weapons.
Shi'ite militias are still resisting government forces
As Mr Maliki issued his offer the security forces admitted they had lost control of a major city north of Basra....

There is a definate military strategy in killing. It isn't just a defense. Killing eliminates those one cares to destroy. That is what is occurring in Iraq today. It is not a matter of defense, prior to the attacks on the Shia there was no reason for a defense. There was a ceasefire and there was quiet.

So, the 0pen aggression against the Southern Shia of Iraq was due to pure desire to destoy the ethnic community that existed there. No diplomatic channels were pursued to hand over criminals within the communities of Iraq.

So, what now will this achieve? It will only kill more people in an attempt to reduce those that participate in the Sistani Shi'ite militias. Will the escalation of killing stop? Perhaps if the Grand Ayatollah makes a public statement, but, the intention here is to attempt to repeat Fallujah. The Shia won't lay down arms, they already tried that and it didn't get them anywhere. The aggressions against them today are proof of that.