Sunday, January 27, 2008

Bears can be domesticated. They were star circus performers at one time. They aren't that popular as 'an act' anymore.

...and Hannibal used elephants in war. The Middle Ages saw armor on draft horses. In the past, animals in use during war was not unusal, but, this is the year 2008. At at time when Earth is facing species endangerment at every turn, battle is not the place for them. It's not the place for people either. Tell that to a Neocon. Will someone please tell Neocons "The War Is Over." We don't have that many enemies anymore. The last venue to global peace among nations are terrorist networks and the USA hasn't done a darn thing to stop them, so much as enable them.

Voytek in the zoo: He soldiered on there until 1963
...As for Voytek, he was just happy to be part of the unit... ever ready to lend a helping paw.
The 250lb brown bear, standing more than 6ft tall, was possibly the most remarkable combatant of the Second World War, seeing action amid the hell of Monte Cassino in Italy.
After the war, he and his fellow troops were billeted in Scotland and he lived out his days in Edinburgh Zoo, dying in 1963....