Sunday, January 06, 2008

Alaskans Warn House Panel about Global Warming’s Effects

It would seem Alaskans care about each other and the issue of Human Induced Global Warming, it's just that their politicians don't.

See, a rational person would expect a Governor of a state with tourism of Snow and Ice to be raising the roof in Washington, DC to stop this hideous carbon dioxide emissions that are destroying the state, endangering it's wildlife and erodiing it's borders.

One has to wonder how much sovereign territory Alaska has lost since Climate Change has taken it's toll.

In realizing the erosion and melting have reduced Alaska's boundaries, there is some serious concerns regarding the appropriate and legal nature of any oil leases, considering they probably extend beyond the legal limit of any existing borders.

There needs to be court injuctions against any bidding for leases when in fact there needs to be continuing new surveys as the Alaskan ice shelves melt and the erosion caused by sea literally 'shrinks' the sovereign rights to any ocean floor leases.