Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Vote wasn't enough !

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Bigotry against women and children has existed in American society for a long time. Previous to Sufferage for Women, they and their children were always considered chattel in any court in this nation.

Mr. Bush and Cheney don't see them any differently today.

The stark reality of the divorce of Cindy Sheehan in the face of her own reflection in the mirror when Casey was murdered in Iraq by the false prophecy of the Bush Executive Branch is all too clear. Casey's memory in the face of lies told by Bush when outing a CIA agent was obvious to her. It would be to me. As a woman true to myself and the loyalty women like us have to motherhood of our children throughout our lifetimes, there was no other choice. Casey and the promise America made to him, to us, to the truth had to be recognized and not swept under the rug in a false sense of patriotism.

Cindy Sheehan could not be more correct. The ridicule she sustained and continues to battle against represents more than a woman intended to vindicate the wrongful death of her son; it speaks to 'the chattel' of human rights and dignity denied by the military establishment of the USA.