Saturday, January 06, 2007

Global Warming occurs over time

The gaseous mixture of Earth is not volitile. If it were it would be uninhabitable. The very small amount of carbon dioxide in the mixture is magnified by the high volume of water vapor in it's hydrological capacity to retain heat. This direct relationship between carbon dioxide and it's radiant reflective properties accumulates in Earth's higher water vapor over time to degrade the icefields, ice ocean and ice continent.

Mass in constant.

Energy is constant.

Global Warming is a direct result from a gaseous mix of Earth's troposphere and the properties of each gas complimenting the other.

No different than when we look at Earth from space. It is blue. Is it blue because the oceans are blue? No. Water is transparent. Earth is blue from the high nitrogen content and the oceans appear blue because of it's reflective property.

The gaseous troposphere of Earth is a balance of mass and energy manifested in uniqueness that is only Earth.

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