Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Stewart National Guard to deliver helicopters to Dominican Republic

November 4, 2007
Baitoa, Dominican Republic
Photographer states :: This is one of the two bridges in Baitoa that is now impassable by car.
Stewart Airport – The New York Air National Guard’s 105 Airlift Wing based at Stewart Airport Monday transported two Army helicopters to the Dominican Republic in the wake of devastating tropical storm Noel.
Governor Eliot Spitzer announced the humanitarian mission, which saw a C-5A cargo plane carry the vehicles into the region. “Americans and New Yorkers have a long history of reaching out to others in time of need, as the world reached out to us in ours,” said the governor. “We are pleased to be able to help out neighbors in the Caribbean.”
The crew and C-5A just returned from a mission in the Middle East and volunteers to embark on the new mission.
Base Vice Commander Col. Charles Faro said the crew was expected to bring the helicopters to the Dominican Republic Monday and return to the base at night.
“We’re ready to perform these missions whether they are here at home in New York, across the nation, or in this case, across the globe,” he said.
One of the primary missions of the 105th AW is relief missions. In January 2005, the unit flew supplies to the region devastated by the December 26, 2004 Tsunami that swept through the Indian Ocean region.