At the above link is an article from The China Daily. Within that article is a link to one the New York Times printed regarding the Chinese plan. I think they trust media that leans to the left enough to be honest. I thought that was interesting. The New York Times need not complain so much about China.
The American news media needs to complain loudly about the current and corrupt Republican administration. It's the only LAZY administration on the planet in regard to climate change, pollution from coal fired plants, mercury pollution from American smokestakes of it's fisheries and air quality, raising standards of arsenic in water and allowing SUVs with low miles per gallon standards. LAZY. The Bush leadership in the USA for seven consecutive years can only be described with one work other than corrupt and criminal and that is LAZY.
In the video below a very candid and honest assessment of the circumstances in China is revealed. To me, China is still a developing nation. It's needs are huge considering it cares for 1.3 billion people.
China is not perfect, but, neither is the USA. In the face of any reality that China is a third world nation struggling to change it's energy resources, control it's pollution and expand it's services to all the people of that nation, while seeing all the people are fed; it's really an indictment of the USA for doing NOTHING regarding Human Induced Global Warming.
When realizing the monies that China has spent and the work hours that have gone into a project like The Three Gorges Dam, it is very, very difficult to point a finger and call China a nation that doesn't care about it's people. It's come a long way in the past ten years and it has that much further to go, however, one is talking about a country WILLING to move aggressively into the next decades with advancements to match those they have already accomplished.
It is completely obvious with over three times the people the USA has, the Chinese government cares about it's people and tries to seek solutions for their problems. Lask week in the news media of China it was noted it will have health coverage for all it's people in the near future. I don't know about anyone else, but, as a third world nation, China is doing a remarkable job at moving forward to first world status. And Bush INSISTS the Human Induced Global Warming problem belongs to whom exactly?