The subject of democracy is not about winning or losing, it is however about how one plays the game.
The focus of the elections thus far by the media is to paint the Republicans as 'the way' to security while making clowns of the Democrats.
The populous of the USA that finds themselves as liberals, independants, unsure and last but not least Democrats deserve all the credit for maintaining their dignity through one of the most troubled times in the USA.
The attacks of September 11, 2001 told the USA it was vulnerable, the wars that ensued were supported by the people of the USA with intent to 'defeat' those that would come to destroy us, as I remind as we went into Afghanistan the president enjoyed a job approval rating of 84% if I remember right.
The 'truth' is that 'trust' was squandered by the current president and vice president and the American populous was turned into a battleground for power. Out of pure fear, the populous of the USA found itself torn to discern the truth based on 'authentic/official' data, but, that data was corrupt by an administration and majority Republican legislature that DECIDED what the truth was rather than living with the actual truth.
To some the USA is a playground whereby all is possible if the power of it's infrastructure is harnessed correctly and controlled.