Photo: Peter Mathew
Andrew Darby
September 29, 2007
CALL him dangerous or call him courageous. Just don't call him unwilling.
Paul Watson, the Ahab who scours the Southern Ocean for the Japanese whaling fleet, is girding for another attack - this time on behalf of a white whale.
This summer the Japanese fleet is to add Australian humpbacks to the hundreds of whales that it kills in the name of science and sells for meat.
Mr Watson, the president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, has arrived in Tasmania to repair his ship for a campaign he calls Operation Migaloo after the alabaster humpback that migrates annually along the Australian east coast.
"I think we have to take a more aggressive position against [the whalers]," Mr Watson told the Herald.
"Because right now they have crossed the line into going after endangered species. That to me is no different from poaching elephants, or running drugs or robbing banks. These guys are criminals and should be dealt with as such."
With the humpbacks' southern migration now in full swing off our coasts, alarm is rising. Diplomatic efforts to dissuade Japan at the International Whaling Commission proved fruitless and the Federal Government has rejected legal action.
Mr Watson believes whaling will be an election issue in Australia, where Labor advocates government monitoring of the Japanese in the Southern Ocean, and going to international courts.
"I think there's no way the Howard Government is going to convince anybody they are going to do anything," Mr Watson says. "They've got a record of doing absolutely nothing, other than kiss the arse of the Japanese."
Greenpeace is refusing to outline its plans until mid-October but Mr Watson believes its ship, the Esperanza, will trail the fleet south all the way from Japan. He dismisses Greenpeace's extraordinary recent record of raising awareness of the hunt by video.
"We all know it's going on. What are we going to do to stop it? That's the point. I will not roll a camera while a whale dies. I don't care how valuable that is. Anyway, we've never seen a whale killed, because when we show up, they don't kill whales. They run. You notice that when Greenpeace shows up, they just carry on. Business as usual."
In his three Antarctic campaigns, Mr Watson has had only fleeting encounters with his nemesis, the factory ship Nisshin Maru. It fled at full speed twice when he found it in 2005. But earlier this year, after months of searching, he surprised the fleet near the Balleny Islands, far south of New Zealand.
His 20-knot former patrol boat Robert Hunter trailed a heavy rope across Nisshin Maru's bow in an attempt to entangle its propeller, and the Japanese almost came within range of his slower vessel, Farley Mowat, which was fitted with a hull-slicing hydraulic "can-opener".
But Mr Watson was forced to call off the battle to search for two Sea Shepherd activists, retrieved after hours lost in their dinghy, disabled by hitting Nisshin Maru's hull as they tried to heave a net into the propeller.
A few days later Robert Hunter was damaged when it collided with the fleet's observation vessel, Kaiko Maru. Low on fuel and facing the loss of the Hunter's British flag after Japanese Government pressure, Mr Watson called off the chase. Since then, like Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd has registered under the Dutch flag.
"Japan already leaned on Holland hard to try to get the Dutch flag off us," he says. He says the tables were turned at a meeting in The Hague in July and the Dutch complained about Japan's illegal whaling.
After dry-docking in Launceston to repair Robert Hunter's hull, increase helicopter space and paint the ship black, Mr Watson plans to head south on December 1.
He was convinced that last year he was being tracked by satellite, enabling the whalers to steer clear of him. "I think we have a better way to do surveillance this year," he says. "We're trying different tactics, which of course I can't go into. But I'm a little more confident we're going to get them."
In evidence of Japan's determination to continue whaling, the Government-owned fleet is expected to be joined by a new chaser ship launched last month.
Mr Watson dismissed its importance. "We're going to concentrate on the Nisshin Maru," he says. "Because if you can stop the factory ship, you stop the operation."
The Japanese Government has described Mr Watson's attacks as "terroristic".
The International Whaling Commission has repeatedly condemned any actions that risk human life and property at sea, and warned that confrontations may lead to grave accidents.
Off to the kill: Japan's plans
* Japan has given itself a "scientific permit" to kill up to 50 humpbacks, 50 fin whales and 935 minkes in Antarctic waters this summer.
* All whales killed by Japan are in the International Whaling Commission's Southern Ocean Sanctuary, and many are taken inside a Canberra-declared whale sanctuary off the Australian Antarctic Territory.
* The humpbacks targeted by the Japanese are from stocks breeding in Australia's tropical waters and migrating to the Antarctic, where they feed in summer. About 8000 migrate along the east coast and about 14,000 use the west coast.
* The latest government figures put the Japanese stockpile of frozen whale meat at 3327 tonnes, which means that 1235 tonnes left the hoard in July.
CALL him dangerous or call him courageous. Just don't call him unwilling.
Paul Watson, the Ahab who scours the Southern Ocean for the Japanese whaling fleet, is girding for another attack - this time on behalf of a white whale.
This summer the Japanese fleet is to add Australian humpbacks to the hundreds of whales that it kills in the name of science and sells for meat.
Mr Watson, the president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, has arrived in Tasmania to repair his ship for a campaign he calls Operation Migaloo after the alabaster humpback that migrates annually along the Australian east coast.
"I think we have to take a more aggressive position against [the whalers]," Mr Watson told the Herald.
"Because right now they have crossed the line into going after endangered species. That to me is no different from poaching elephants, or running drugs or robbing banks. These guys are criminals and should be dealt with as such."
With the humpbacks' southern migration now in full swing off our coasts, alarm is rising. Diplomatic efforts to dissuade Japan at the International Whaling Commission proved fruitless and the Federal Government has rejected legal action.
Mr Watson believes whaling will be an election issue in Australia, where Labor advocates government monitoring of the Japanese in the Southern Ocean, and going to international courts.
"I think there's no way the Howard Government is going to convince anybody they are going to do anything," Mr Watson says. "They've got a record of doing absolutely nothing, other than kiss the arse of the Japanese."
Greenpeace is refusing to outline its plans until mid-October but Mr Watson believes its ship, the Esperanza, will trail the fleet south all the way from Japan. He dismisses Greenpeace's extraordinary recent record of raising awareness of the hunt by video.
"We all know it's going on. What are we going to do to stop it? That's the point. I will not roll a camera while a whale dies. I don't care how valuable that is. Anyway, we've never seen a whale killed, because when we show up, they don't kill whales. They run. You notice that when Greenpeace shows up, they just carry on. Business as usual."
In his three Antarctic campaigns, Mr Watson has had only fleeting encounters with his nemesis, the factory ship Nisshin Maru. It fled at full speed twice when he found it in 2005. But earlier this year, after months of searching, he surprised the fleet near the Balleny Islands, far south of New Zealand.
His 20-knot former patrol boat Robert Hunter trailed a heavy rope across Nisshin Maru's bow in an attempt to entangle its propeller, and the Japanese almost came within range of his slower vessel, Farley Mowat, which was fitted with a hull-slicing hydraulic "can-opener".
But Mr Watson was forced to call off the battle to search for two Sea Shepherd activists, retrieved after hours lost in their dinghy, disabled by hitting Nisshin Maru's hull as they tried to heave a net into the propeller.
A few days later Robert Hunter was damaged when it collided with the fleet's observation vessel, Kaiko Maru. Low on fuel and facing the loss of the Hunter's British flag after Japanese Government pressure, Mr Watson called off the chase. Since then, like Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd has registered under the Dutch flag.
"Japan already leaned on Holland hard to try to get the Dutch flag off us," he says. He says the tables were turned at a meeting in The Hague in July and the Dutch complained about Japan's illegal whaling.
After dry-docking in Launceston to repair Robert Hunter's hull, increase helicopter space and paint the ship black, Mr Watson plans to head south on December 1.
He was convinced that last year he was being tracked by satellite, enabling the whalers to steer clear of him. "I think we have a better way to do surveillance this year," he says. "We're trying different tactics, which of course I can't go into. But I'm a little more confident we're going to get them."
In evidence of Japan's determination to continue whaling, the Government-owned fleet is expected to be joined by a new chaser ship launched last month.
Mr Watson dismissed its importance. "We're going to concentrate on the Nisshin Maru," he says. "Because if you can stop the factory ship, you stop the operation."
The Japanese Government has described Mr Watson's attacks as "terroristic".
The International Whaling Commission has repeatedly condemned any actions that risk human life and property at sea, and warned that confrontations may lead to grave accidents.
Off to the kill: Japan's plans
* Japan has given itself a "scientific permit" to kill up to 50 humpbacks, 50 fin whales and 935 minkes in Antarctic waters this summer.
* All whales killed by Japan are in the International Whaling Commission's Southern Ocean Sanctuary, and many are taken inside a Canberra-declared whale sanctuary off the Australian Antarctic Territory.
* The humpbacks targeted by the Japanese are from stocks breeding in Australia's tropical waters and migrating to the Antarctic, where they feed in summer. About 8000 migrate along the east coast and about 14,000 use the west coast.
* The latest government figures put the Japanese stockpile of frozen whale meat at 3327 tonnes, which means that 1235 tonnes left the hoard in July.