Friday, September 21, 2007

Dan Rather happens to be right. The USA was 'Swiftboated' by the Right Wing.

Dan Rather as a younger anchor for CBS. The issue at hand is the oppression of the truth and to that end there is a lot to be said still today regarding the reports about Bush's extremely poor performance in the National Guard. Everyone knows when he was 'placed' there with the influence of his father it was to save him from being killed in Vietnam without the 'appearance' of a Draft Dodger.
In addition to this lawsuit by Mr. Rather there is also a book by Kathy Roth-Douquet and Frank Schaeffer which outlines the lies by Bush of his dishonet service to the USA (click here). I believe it is she that made an appearance around the talk shows when the book first came out in hardcover stating there were issues with Bush's service and although 'the letter' which appeared on "60 Minutes" had issues it nearly didn't matter. The fact of the matter is and I hope this comes out in the Rather lawsuit is the Republican Right Wing was at work over this issue and managed to undermine the credibility of the story. It isn't CBS that was the problem either and it makes them look as though they aren't a credible news agency, it is the power of the Right Wing and it's media to contort facts and focus to mislead the electorate into their 'hierarchy' of priorities.