Sunday, September 23, 2007

Blackwater in Iraq - Kindly click on for link to 'video link'

The gunman in the video, at the above link, is noted to be wearing ear plugs. How nice for him...and if he would say, "Hey look, I'm doing the work the citizens of the USA should be doing !" I would reply, "Please don't bother, it's the "W"rong "W"ar for the "W"rong reason for any moral American.

Private Contractors Die in Iraqi Helicopter Attack (click here)

All Things Considered, January 24, 2007 · On Tuesday in Iraq, five Americans working for the private security contractor Blackwater USA died when their helicopter crashed. The contractors were escorting a convoy heading away from the fortified Green Zone in Baghdad.
Melissa Block talks with Deborah Avant, a professor at George Washington University and author of The Market for Force: The Consequences of Privatizing Security, about how many contractors are currently working in Iraq and what sort of services they provide.