Saturday, August 11, 2007

"The Situation" is a fiction film about Iraq. I found it interesting and glamorized, but, should have chosen a documentary.

It simply is not my cup of tea.

It is a film based in fact, but, at the same time it doesn't deal in facts. It deals in the understanding of facts about Iraq. It was an okay film, the acting was adequate, the mechanics of the film making was perfect and made the entire sequence of events believeable, but, in all honesty the 'plot' was somewhat simple to reveal before it actually unfolded.

I was glad I attended a fiction, action film regarding the subject of Iraq. Many such films have been made, this is not the only one. There are no subtitles. It provided a balance to the filmmaking I feel more comfortable; that challenges my reality to accept 'the truth' of another's reality.

This type of film is important. It is a measurable plot to an audience that cannot readily accept documentaries as part of their conscience of their country. The film 'dressed up' the Iraq circumstances while presenting strongly questionable roles for America in Iraq. I approve of the film and recognize it's place in society. It just was an 'easy' one to watch without having to measure my understanding of facts based on the reality a documentary brings.

I strongly recommend the film to anyone whom enjoys reality masked in a somewhat glamorized plot. It definately has an audience.