This is from Eglin AFB in Florida. No doubt these are among the munitions the USA brought to Iraq and never inventoryed, but, we are led to believe this is STILL another Iranian weapon deployed in Iraq.
Give me a break already !
Explosively Formed ProjectilesScientists use design models and shock physics codes to predict terminal shape of projectiles.AFRL’s Munitions Directorate, Assessment and Demonstration Division, Computational Mechanics Branch, Eglin AFB FL
Explosively formed projectiles (EFP) have been used to defeat armored vehicles for more than 30 years. The EFP warhead was derived from the Misznay-Schardin device,1 which consists of a right circular cylinder of explosive, with a shallow cavity in one end that is fitted with a thin metallic liner. Upon detonation, the liner dynamically transforms into an aerodynamic projectile traveling at high velocity (typically 1500-2000 m/s). Figure 1 shows the formation process for a tactical EFP warhead from its initial predetonation state to the fully formed profile.
And the moronic extremist press just goes right along with this American Military idiocy (the article below is from February of 2007. That's hardly new.). I guess they aren't blaming Syria this week for the failed war. Ya know, when will the USA military and Bush 'get a clue.' Nobody wants them there. The American people don't want them there. The Iranians don't want them there. The Iraqi people don't want them there. The entire world doesn't want them there. Hello? Is every American soldier and commander in Iraq brainwashed, like Commander Michael Steele's brain and his troops were?
At least CBS changed it's picture accompanying the article as 'real' rather than a PR report.
U.S. Sees New Weapon In Iraq: Iranian EFPs (click here)
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Feb. 11, 2007
Military: Iranian Government Supplies "Explosively Formed Penetrators"
(CBS/AP) U.S. military officials charged on Sunday that the highest levels of the Iranian leadership ordered Shiite militants in Iraq to be armed with sophisticated armor-piercing roadside bombs that have killed more than 170 American forces. The military command in Baghdad denied, however, that any newly-smuggled Iranian weapons were behind the five U.S. military helicopter crashes since Jan. 20 — four that were shot out of the sky by insurgent gunfire.
Does the American public/electorate ever get tired of being LIED to about 'everything Iraq?' I do. I am sick and tired of it and these media services have licenses no less. God almighty, get us out of this disaster. Too many people are dying and all the USA military cares to do is lie about it.