July 20, 2007
UNISYS Water Vapor Satellite of the North and Western Hemisphere (click here for 12 hour loop)
Very sparse 'continental' humidity. There is currently a degraded Cat 1 hurricane near Hawaii, which is a very unusual occurence. Hawaii is getting some 'tropical storm' level winds and waves. In Hawaii, the waves are never viewed as an issue so much as a new surfing challenge. Odd bunch out there.
The 'other' minor developing storms are ALL coastal. It has been weeks since Wilmington, North Carolina has had a clear day. They have been getting intermittent thunderstorms daily for well over a month now. So with returning solar radiation the air is 'accumulating' heat and with it humidity along the 'coast/ocean margin' and might even become another one of the high velocity coastal storms that do significant damage the rest of the country never cares about.
There is a more minor trubulence east of Georgia.
There is an interesting storm in Canada. That's unusal, but, here again the trubulence is due to the 'accumulation' of humidity where Earth can transfer heat. It's actually a 'remnant' of a larger heat transfer that occurred due to the vortex over the Arctic Circle. There was a tornado IN an inland lake near New Orleans. Why there? Because of higher heat from the land mass and the availability of water. The 'water spout' which actually was a significant tornado was a heat transfer into the lake.
There is dearly little humidity at the equator. That is exceptionally strange and reminds me of the way the Amazon must look right now. It is in drought as well. That is what I mean by exponential growth of Human Induced Global Warming. This Earth event is continuous and acquires more and more victims to heat all the time. Species, but, also carbon sinks such as the Amazon Rainforest. As the troposphere heats the destruction of the supporting structures that normally 'handle' the carbon dioxide succumb to the heat.
So humans, especially Americans, are adding carbon dioxide everyday while carbon sinks globally are diminishing. I have said over and over, this is a 'unique' climate condition of Earth because of the 'permanence' of the damage and the fact the 'carbon dioxide' source is unrelenting. This past winter on North America the arguement could EASILY be made that Earth tried to 'recap' itself in another ice age. Easily. But, it didn't occur regardless of the severity of the winter at lower latitidues because of the 'melting.' What Earth tried to accomplish this past year as a return to an Ice Age, the carbon dioxide simply eliminated. This is a very dangerous troposphere of Earth. It is created by humans and has to be stopped by humans. The USA is most egregious it isn't lack of responsibility in stopping this danger to all people.

The Climate Change 'pattern' for North America is fixed. And why is it fixed? Because there is no humidity except what can be extracted from the equator and other water structures surrounding the continent inculding The Gulf of Mexico. Which is such an oxymoron. The Gulf of Mexico has some of the vicious and aggressive oil operations in the hemishphere. That's America. Yep.