...and I was able to secure a ticket to every movie I wanted to see...ha, ha, ha...if you think that is not an accomplishment, I dare you to try it.
Okay, so Bush and Gates are getting serious about doing the country's business. Look, Iraq can do what it wants. The 'Benchmarks' are American definitions to maintain a military presence in that country while they transition only a 'path' recognized by the USA Executive Branch as necessary to establish a country called Iraq post illegal invasion based on 'You broke it, you bought it.'
Iraq does not have to achieve any of the Benchmarks. Those Benchmarks are not Iraqi Law. If the Parliament in Iraq wants to go on break for a month as does the pampered USA federal government that is their right. If they take time off than it should give the people of the USA a very clear understanding of where they prioritize the importance of the USA initiative and the Benchmarks.
The USA cannot legislate Iraqi law. It has no power within that sovereign country except what it is granted by the people of that country and considering the violence that isn't much of an invitation.
So. Although the American government recognizes through legislation Benchmarks, it is to 'measure' the 'purpose' of the USA military within Iraq. The USA cannot and will not forever occupy and support Iraq. Just that simple.
In actuality, the Benchmarks are more important to the American people than they ever will be to those in Iraq. It's time to leave Iraq. There is a resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan because they are taking advantage of the quagmire of our military in Iraq and don't think for one minute that isn't a strategy by the Taliban and al Qaeda. You betcha it is.