Reactionaries. That is what is in DC when it comes to 'nerves of steel' when dealing with 'the mess' generated by the Neocons.
There are currently 'social' issues mounting in Iran in that people are being detained. It's a concern and international organizations are reporting that concern. Bombing Iran isn't going to reverse that trend which is probably a reaction to the Iranian legislative elections of 2006, where Ahmadinejad lost support. With Iranian presidential elections again in 2009 it has to be speculated what exactly is going on with Iran.
But what Lieberman is proposing is simply outrageous and has nothing to do with the concern regarding the internal stability of Iran currently under sanctions. There is every indication the sanctions are unnerving the current leadership in Iran to act to control the social/political reaction within the country. At a point when there could be real progress in actually liberating Iran and limiting it's nuclear program, a radical right wing independant from Connecticut believes dropping bombs is going to solve the problem in Iraq?
Man. Those monies sent to Bush on emergency military budgets must be making some in the USA Senate feel like they can conquer the world. At what point in time does someone like Joe Lieberman declare attonement for invading Iraq in the first place as an international incident whereby those responsible have to be held accountable. There is this dual lunacy that pervades the Iraq issue in DC. On one hand they are guilty as sin for an illegal invasion and the mass deaths of Iraqis and on the other hand there is this 'idea' the USA still has the solution to anarchy in Iraq.
When does that duality end? When all the Iraqis are dead and there are only Americans left standing?