June 24, 2007
Marathon, Florida
Photographer states :: This twister was heading right toward the house. Fortunately it broke up shortly after this pic was taken. Enjoy the view.

June 24, 2007
Marathon, Florida
Photographer states :: This is the zoomed in version. Enjoy the view. Stevo
That is a pretty good sized water spout. I never get used to that cavalier attitude about drastic weather events; "Enjoy the view"/"It's Beautiful as well as dangerous." I guess I see weather on this water planet as a manifestation or function of it's biotic balance. Physics.
You know as the troposphere increases in heat, the dynamics increase, they don't decrease. The heating however won't always manifest weather events as the heat continues to increase. It isn't as though weather events will become so intense people will begin to say, "We should have listened to those scientists." That isn't what is going to happen here. Earth will increasingly become dry and 'void' of weather, even drizzles will stop. I consider that serious and not a relief. Serious about this. Deadly serious. The escalation of Human Induced Global Warming is astounding to me.
You know it's interesting how humans cope. Back in 2002 when I first noted the tropospheric vortices, I stated we had about two years before there would be drastic events on Earth humans would regret. That came true. I also estimated there would be about five years before a point in time when changes to the troposphere would be blatanty evident and alarming to those that could identify it. That is also true. We aren't exactly five years out from that estimation, that won't happen until October, but for 'the trained mind' the changes noted are scary as hell. And yet, people/sophisticated citizens of "The West" have this cavalier attitude as if they have volumes of time to solve this problem. I don't know if that is a carry over from the sixties when scientists weren't taken seriously or simply an form of 'denial' that set them up for more drastic consequences as they rest back in mesmerized unreality of nature. It's a worry.
Earth is a water planet. It is also an ice planet by nature. That simply shows how FAR we are from Earth's biotic balance.
The properties of water are not exponential in that it simply behaves worse than the second, minute, hour, day, week, month or year before. The properties of water cause a 'change of state' in the matter. If the temperature is frigid, water is ice. The next 'stage' is liquid, then gas. What happens when the gaseous state of water becomes hot? Is it just hot gas on a planet that is a water planet? No. The water will evaporate. The gas won't evaporate, but, it 'the dew point' of the accumulation of the gas will move up in the troposphere as the temperature at the surface of Earth increases. That doesn't mean the oceans will evaporate either. The "stage" Earth is in right now is adverse to life. It has and continues to loses it's 'gaseous humidity.'
What does the loss of gaseous humidity mean exactly? It means plants won't thrive. Plants, as people are, but more so are primarily water. Plants, trees and living biota under the 'Kingdom of Plantae' transport water continuously through their vascular network in order to maintain a homeostatis. They 'live/propagate' as dictated by their 'water content.' The lower the water content of 'Kingdom Plante' the least likely they will survive. Of course there are exceptions such as cactus, but, the entire "Kingdom" of "Plantae" are at risk, initally, more than humans.