... do not reflect American success in Iraq? Why would that be a statement of a general that is about to be replaced by The Bush Administration? Why? Seriously. I want people to formulate their own ideas and opinions before I continue this discussion. Why would a man about to be replaced by a New Secretary of Defense make such a hideous statement?
...Large majorities of Arabs want US troops to leave Iraq sooner rather than later. According to a recent survey conducted between late February and early March in five pro-US Arab countries, namely Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and Lebanon, and released in Washington DC on March 28 by the Arab American Institute (AAI) and Zogby International, a polling firm, 68 per cent of Saudi respondents said they considered Washington's influence in Iraq as negative, 83 per cent in Egypt, 96 per cent in Jordan. Earlier two surveys in late November and early December conducted by Zogby International in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and Morocco found not only that Washington's standing in the Arab world had hit rock bottom, but also that Iran was the principal beneficiary....