Grey Sebree, 12, touched Scotty's trunk.
(By Kylene Lloyd, The Courier-Journal)
By Sheldon S. Shafer
The Courier-Journal
He’s still a baby, but this Scotty is so big it might take two transporters to beam him up.Scotty is the name that has been chosen for the Louisville Zoo’s baby African elephant, zoo officials said today.People who voted throughout May at the zoo preferred the name Scotty over Jonesy and Angus, the other two names that were also chosen as finalists by the zoo’s elephant caretakers. About 7,000 names were suggested in the contest sponsored by Norton Healthcare.Scotty, who was born March 18, is growing fast and currently weighs 410 pounds. His favorite things to do are play in the mud and jog in the elephant yard, zoo officials said.The name Scotty was submitted by several people. So the zoo staff chose a winner at random from the people who suggested Scotty. The winner was 12-year-old April Pile of Hudson, Ky....