Saturday, May 05, 2007


Code Pink's DELEGATION to the Middle East met with a long awaited respect. Something they have never gotten in the USA. They went with respect for all those that welcomed them. It was returned.

There is something Muslims understand about fasting. Ramadan is the fourth pillar of Islam. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims conduct prayers, fasting, charity, and self-accountability. Fasting as a show of respect is understood in the Middle East. The Peace Movement was respected when it arrived. It was more than respected. It was welcome.

UPDATE: CODEPINK cofounders, Medea Benjamin, Gael Murphy and Diane Wilson continued from Jordan to Beirut where they worked with Lebanese activists and humanitarian aid groups to help those stranded without aid in South Lebanon. Saturday they will join a caravan to bring the aid. Click to read their blogs here.

After 28 days of fasting, anti-war hunger strikers received a breakthrough victory for their sacrifice: Leading members of the Iraqi Parliament invited fasters to join them to discuss their plans for peace in Iraq. On Wednesday, August 2, hunger strikers traveled to Amman, Jordan to meet with these Iraqi MPs and break their fast.

MIDDLE EAST PEACE DELEGATION: List of US Peace Delegates who traveled to Amman, Jordan to meet with Iraqi Parliamentarians (click here)