Saturday, May 05, 2007

How desperate does the electorate become? The Democrats were elected to remove troops from Iraq. I don't see a compromise.

While Gravel indicated that impeachment "will come, in due course," Dodd told RAW STORY that having "been down that road" before with former President Clinton, he believes that "[i]t sucks all of the oxygen out of the air.”

The Bush/Cheney Administration have been inept in their ability to lead this nation. While cronies have skyrocketing profits and huge liquid assets to start the 'next' war the USA Constitution awaits a 'champion. The Constitution of the United States should never have to wait for anyone to defend it.

This is serious business and if anyone that loves the USA thinks for one minute that the Republicans are taking their defeat lying down, they are in profound denial or simply out of touch. Less than two weeks ago, Representative Duncan Hunter called for the resignation of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Hunter isn't even a member of the Senate !

Rep. Hunter Calls On Harry Reid To Resign (click here)

...Hunter, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, is the ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee....

There is no respect for the majority Democratic leadership. I can only imagine the disrespect Freshmen Senators and House members are facing by the Republicans. The Republicans don't get along with anyone except each other. This country needs reform in a very big way and with this type of dissension among an elected and govern bodies the USA won't make progress on any front. The Executive Branch will do nothing but veto every measure these people were elected to resolve. THAT is serving this country? I don't think so.

I believe the Republican 'attitude' is so BAD that they will start talking about impeachment of Senator Reid and Speaker Pelosi. Not that it will matter, but, they go through the motions, as they did in early administration simply to 'make a show' and win a constituency vote.

It's time the Democrats realized they HAVE TO defend the USA Constitution on principle alone. What are they waiting for?