Let's see, so the most the pizza delivery guy delivered was pizza and the Republicans are scared skinny over it because they had access to assault weapons. I'll be darn.
Did the so called terrorists stop to realize they were going to be assaulting a MILITARY instillation? I mean, hello? Who got them believing they could succeed and why does anyone believe they needed to case the joint as a pizza delivery guy.
Local Islamic Center director hopes people won't link all Muslims with extremism
...The defendants, all men in their 20s from the former Yugoslavia and the Middle East, include a pizza deliveryman suspected of using his job to scout out the military base....
,,,"Today we dodged a bullet. In fact, when you look at the type of weapons that this group was trying to purchase, we may have dodged a lot of bullets," FBI agent J.P. Weis said....
We dodged a bullet, huh? A sting operation for over a year in existance should more than dodge a bullet. I don't think so, everyone. This is simply ludicrous. If the men were dangerous and some here illegally then arrest them and deport them, but, this was no surprise and no big deal. It's a distraction by the Bush/Cheney White House to try to terrorize the American Publica again. These men were so controlled and under surveillence they couldn't sneeze without the FBI handing them a hanky. Give me a break.
...The authorities first caught up with the men in January 2006, when personnel at a video store alerted the authorities after the suspects requested that he transfer onto a DVD a videotape of the group shouting about jihad as they fired assault weapons at a range in the Pocono Mountains.
“This is a new brand of terrorism where a small cell of people can bring enormous devastation,” Christopher J. Christie, the United States attorney for New Jersey, said at an afternoon news conference at the courthouse here....
Sorry, no pay raise for Mueller on this one. Thanks for a job well done for the FBI agents that stopped the insanity of disoriented illegals and foreign legals before they killed themselves.