The Russian Nuclear Sub was the interest of the British submarine that had a fire aboard resulting in two deaths of crew members regardless of it's surfacing through the Arctic Ocean ice cap. Unfortunately for the Brits, they live on a very small island and would suffer total annihilation should a nuclear weapon ever be deployed at them. It is that focus that Britain frequently react to and rightfully so, but, I wish that 'tension' were gone and more realistic goals existed internationally between Russia and the West, like mutual interest in nuclear disarmament.
That is also where Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney used the pressure they could exert by conducting an oil war illegally to force Britian to it's side, much to the chagrin of Prime Minister Blair. For all his unpopularity, he really wasn't left much choice. I congratulate him for the successful efforts of his British forces in southern Iraq. I understand from the Jordan Times yesterday that still another Shia province in the south of Iraq has been handed over to local forces. Very nice. Well done. Perhaps there is sincere merit in 'stepping down.'
Just one other additional comment regarding Russia and it's preceived 'change up' pitch. I think Russia has a lot going for it when it comes to National Defense. I realize the global community, especially The West, would love to see more Civil Rights and more Democratization of Russia but it's ability to protect it's vast boundaries is impressive.
Russia, although mysterious, is nearly transparent and realizing the destructive force it's military carries including strong alliances with China, that transparency is a warning more than a mistake. Needless, to say with the discovery of the British sub's maneuvers, these countries know a great deal about each other. Obviously. The Brits were under way long before the Russian sub hit the water.
That aside. Russia. It's a pecularly welcoming country most of the time. The last aspect of war noted will be the withdrawal of diplomats and with that act it will no doubt start raining war where it has chosen to be it's best defense. I have written about this before on this blog in regard to Bush's error in Europe and where Russia will and will not fight a war.
Now, the reason I see a change in the tone of the national paper Novosti is because Russia is rolling up the 'welcome mat' to the world. While touting it's accomplishments in sports and Forbes magazine, it's leadership is defining what it believes are abuses of power by the USA. Abuses that range from Iran to the Ukraine to within it's borders in demonstrations. With that understanding I believe Russia has had quite enough of the meddling of the Bush/Cheney mess throughout the region and has been preparing for confrontation when it says so and not when Bush decides it would be benevolent to 'the party' or personal ambitions. Additionally, I still stand by the estimation that the current President of the USA is unpredictable and to that end the new majority leadership seems to be 'talking' a great deal to come to terms with the aggressive nature of this 'borderline impeached' president. If Bush tries to move against Iran there is no doubt the Congress will move to impeach.
Russia is prepared to fight a war with the USA and it seems all to obvious to me. It would be far better to have active interest by Britain to move before the UN to bring all tensions before a body of international pressure that can end any escalations leading to greater war. It would serve no good to any interest of any country. With such measures lies the responsibility of bringing to bear the weight of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and the nuclear disarmament of every country on Earth.