Even the United Nations does not have a mechanism to monitor countries outside of Kyoto. Who are you going trust with monitoring carbon dioxide trading credits in the USA? Bush? Or someone like him?
There is even some problem within the United Nations in effectively monitoring and enforcing progress toward Kyoto's goals. What ramifications should government be levied as a consequence to failure to achieve their reduction limits?
Industry would be better off taxed. Carbon dioxide can be measured at the smoke stack and taxed with those in government at local levels collecting the taxes due to them and their cities or towns.
I don't believe carbon trading is an effective way of handling a profound danger to Earth's troposphere. I believe it won't be taken with enough brevity to it's TRUE purpose. Would you trust Ambramoff with Earth?
The next generation of Americans will have to take control of their political choices in that they need to move to a responsible direction in regard to Climate Change due to Human Induced Global Warming. We need to move toward an all electric society produced by benign energy sources.