Monday, February 05, 2007

Storms' survivors try to pick up the pieces


February 4, 2007

DeLand, Florida

After twisters killed at least 20, the grieving continued but the promises of hope and rebuilding came as crews and volunteers descended on Central Florida to help.

This is the damage at a trailer park in Florida from the tornadoes. Trailer parks are common in Florida and while the weather service did the best it could in alerting residence of the danger minutes before it happened, there was no place for most of these victims to go anyway.

What good is it to alert people if they haven't got severe weather shelters immediately available. Providing those shelters is not an easy task. Florida is sandy soil and what would occur if during a hurricane, when there is a chance of severe flooding people thought they would be safe in an underground shelter? They would die of drowning.

All this could have been averted with responsible government rather than reactionary government. All the sympathy holy men, the media and society can exert will never reduce the fact these people died without good cause and because of societal negligence of forecast disasters by scientists.

This event is NOT a 'freak' occurance and to assume so is ludicrous in the face of it getting worse with repeated events of greater magnitude.