Sunday, February 11, 2007

This an endangered Blue Whale off the coast of California

No we are not proposing to eat Blue Whales or any other kind of whale. Whaling should be outlawed actually.
But there is an all too interesting reality about Earth and Blue Whales. As they became closer and closer to extinction the carbon dioxide levels of Earth escalated.
One of those strange correlations. Or is it? Let's see, what do Blue Whales consume that keeps Earth benevolently free of excess carbon dioxide?
Well, Blue Whales are baleen whales. They are filter feeders. They filter the sea water for small organisms. Imagine that, a Blue Whale the largest MAMMAL on Earth actually consumes large amounts of single celled primary producers. Plants. Single celled plants called phytoplankton. Blue Whales are not alone in eating phytoplankton. There are other forms of sea life that consume phytoplankton.
Shall we look?
Ever want to be a Blue Whale or at least eat like one?
I wouldn't mind.
What if I could introduce to you a form of protein that would be so benevolent to the Third World that their consumption of it would actually save Earth?
Here we go.
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