Saturday, December 23, 2006

First. A liitle note about Rosie (click on)

If the cable networks want to make 'something' of it, then let's make something of it. I think there is some danger here, in that 'The Don' is so willing to start legal actions about, basically, freedom of speech. I don't go along with that. These are both high profile celebrities with views of the world at opposite ends of the spectrum.

This is going to sound very corny but I think of Rosie in this instance no different than Elizabeth Cady Staton. Ms. Staton had many children with a spouse that was uncaring for the most part. She was a local activisist while her best friend Susan B. Anthony was a bit of a traveler. A single girl, with every pregnancy of Cady's, she felt her friend was being abused by a womaning man who had no restraint or the dignity to leave her for another woman of his choice. Cady was his wholesome front to his 'second' life. Her frequent pregnancies did cause Cady health problems.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton(1815-1902) (click on)

The ability to vote was her dream and she did everything she could to make her hopes a reality. Elizabeth Cady Stanton was one of the earliest suffragettes, campaigning for women’s rights because of her profound conviction that women were equal to men in every respect. Stanton met leading suffragette Susan B. Anthony in 1851 and the two of them formed an indomitable team that would fight for women’s rights throughout their lives. She became President of the National Woman Suffrage Association after the Civil War and continued giving speeches in which she called on the public to protest the injustice of masculine domination. She had a flair for the controversial, often criticizing organized religion for the subordination of women in society. She worked all her life toward the goal of woman suffrage only to die before the 19 th Amendment to the Constitution had been passed in Congress. However, it is obvious today that she played a significant role in the passage of that amendment even though she died before it occurred.

There is nothing more patriarchal and more pandering than a man in defense of a pretty women when she has no grounds of defending her own honor. Donald Trump represents everything patriarchal including money, money, money and power to FIRE anyone he deems insigificant to his goals while elevating, which is his right as ? is it president of the Miss USA Pagent ? a queen fallen from her thrown. I think it was risky to place that much faith in a person in decline for the wholesomeness she is supposed to represent. He might come to regret it.


What bothers me most is the fact "The First Runner Up" was not even considered to be significant for her ability to carry out the duties of a queen with character yet compromised.

As for Rosey. She is a very powerful figure who has suffered with her career because of discrimination. She understands what it is to come from behind and be successful. She does it well. I appreciate her standing up for the 'idea' that men are sometimes less virtuous than they appear. I happen to think she is right and this is a man with designs on the presidency of the USA. I guess having to face the fact Mr. Paulson was asked to be a Treasury Secretary before him is too much to bear for Mr. Trump. Second chances are always admirable when mistakes are realized after the fact. I doubt sincerely Tara was naive to her mistake.

I find it unfair to the First Runner Up, Tamiko Nash. (click on)

GO, ROSEY, GO !!!!!!!!! Beauty, Ms. O'Donnell is only skin deep and evidently the only kind Mr. Trump seems to acknowledge. I find Mr. Trump's slurs of demeaning with intention to cause harm to Ms. O'Donnell's career. A man that wealthy and influential could do exactly that. It has taken her long enough to find her footing again and at great cost. Something Donald Trump would not understand. We need women like Rosie to champion all the causes maligning women. I wish her much success against the oppression of the 'liable courts.' Mr. Trump's case is a dangerous one. It could cause retreat of women who might be vulnerable and set standards of women back to pandering to men once again. It could inhibit Freedom of Speech in the media in a way that is oppressive, forcing women to take on 'rolls' again rather than asserting their personal choices. I find Rosie to be brave and daring. Obviously, the patriarchal Trump finds her to be offensive to his idea of a person as well as a woman.

Gee, what a shame. Not all of us are as grateful as Tara.

I have never in my life stepped into a Trump hotel or casino or health spa. There is every indication that will never change.