The highest humidity today is 96% over Dinamet-uruguay which is no surprise, it is also the highest temperature of the day.
The humidity over Vostok has come down to 42%, but the temperature is still reaching toward balmy at -21 C.
It ain't getting better in case someone actually thinks so. Air pressure is dependant on temperature. One might want to keep that in mind.
The big melt: loss of sea ice snowballs (click on)
The area of the Arctic covered by floating sea ice dwindled steadily from 1978, when satellite measurements began, until about 2002.
However, in recent years the loss has accelerated, with a summer minimum recorded in September 2005 and a winter minimum in March 2006.
It's not going to take forty years. These scientists are still thinking linearly.
The acceleration began in 2002, October 4; then the first heat driven vortexes showed up in the North Atlantic and North Pacific. The votices have waxed and waned over time and have come to global maximum.
The sea ice both in the Antarctic and Arctic won't hold up decades. Civilization is looking at years not decades before the demise of it's ice ocean and continent. This is expontial in degradation. This is only water. It takes little to sublime it and far less to melt it once the process starts.
The carbon dioxide levels increase exponentially, not linearly. That in and of itself is enough to realize the impact of infrared radiating from Earth's surface increases exponentially, not linearly. Civilization has dear little time to solve it's Human Induced Global Warming problems. The negligence of an adminisration in the United States of America for now going on six years to stop this hedious demise of a precious life giving phenomina is criminal, in every aspect. When is someone going to do something?
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