Monday, December 04, 2006

Antarctica - click on for animation - It's still plenty hot where it isn't supposed to be.

December 4, 2006

6:00 AM

Surface temperatures are still mostly temperate. Even Vostok is getting warmer by the week. Today it's a near balmy -23 degrees C.

Click here for surface temperatures

This is dangerous. It's not even moral to consider some pundits of Bush that receive his attention actually state, "But, Earth hasn't even depleted all it's climate reserves yet." That is just an amazing statement to me, as if once started down a path of destruction they actually think they can stop it when they deem it dangerous.

Earth has never seen over 6 billion people before. Never in it's history with a consumerism by nearly all nations that deposits huge carbon dioxide loads to the troposhere and they have the nerve to stand in the face of decency and purdent authority to call on 'history' to dictate the outcome of this mess. Earth is not going back to an ice age even when the Atlantic Currents slow due to loss of the thermohaline. The carbon dioxide will continue to rise and the Earth will continue to heat. This is a unique event on Earth and one that humans have control over. We have to stop burning fossil fuels including coal. It's simply immoral to believe any other way or act in a method that would continue this deadly trend.

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