Friday, October 27, 2006

An early start to avy season? (click on)

October 26, 2006. Colorado Springs, Colorado

Photographer states :: My friend Rob lives in Colorado Springs and have these incredible Blizzard Pictures!!

The picture reveals a heavy 'slush' in Colorado. The weight of the snow and the wind in combination did a lot of damage. It was a displaced Arctic Storm that met with the reality of Human Induced Global Warming temperatures after the Arctic Wind stopped. I don't know quite what to think about people calling this a blizzard. I guess if one is not familiar with a real blizzard it might seem like one. On the other hypothesis of that question is: "Has the biotic nature of Earth gotten to be so benign currently as it warms that the extremes need definition in some form and this is the new definition of blizzard?"

If the snows of this season are destined to melt as quickly as it percipitated there will be a real threat to water sources come this spring when there is no water runoff from melting snow fields.

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