Tuesday, September 19, 2006

September 17, 2006.
Anchorage, Alaska.

This is an orphaned Grizzly Bear in Alaska. This is just a shame. Bears are usually wonderful mothers. Hunting is mostly unnecessary. It's wrong. This little bear feels his mother's loss and we have no right to interfer in nature's plan.

Photographer states :: "Little Grizzly Cub Growing Up Fast"

This is Kenai, orphaned grizzly cub. Mom was shot by a person hunting grouse. His dog got into it with the mom and brought her back to the hunter. He shot the mom. He is a cute little guy and is still pretty flighty. I shoot an average of 500-1,000 pictures a week. I am way behind on my photo editing. But, I thought I would take time to put this one up.
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