Monday, September 18, 2006

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September 18, 2006.
GOES East Water Vapor.

Atypical season. 1998 is the model to this Human Induced Global Warming season. Severe drought globally is historic. The storm season was literally thirsty for moisture to build sufficient velocity to transfer heat from the troposphere to the oceans. This drought impact extended to the eastern Pacific and Asia exactly the same as 1998.

In the year 1999, there was a tropical storm called Katrina. It never manifested into a category storm and the name was used again last year's season. 1999 was also the year of Dennis and Floyd. Are we on a 8 year cycle? Perhaps. But, considering the storms this year has shifted desperately to the Mid-Atlantic seeking whatever moisture it could find there is an expotential escalation of the drought. As this storm was different from 1998, the 1999 season will also be different and more than likely diminished.

This should be a dire warning to all leaders of Earth's nations.

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