This film is based on a true story about a somewhat successful actor that finds his heart stolen by a Canadian actress thirty years his younger whom has visa problems. Without the help of someone in the USA, Catherine must return home to Canada. Determined to give way to his heart over his head, the actor played by Jeff Goldblum, sets his career aside to assure Catherine a job with hopes of pure romance as well.
It is a film about foolishness and yet there is so little foolishness in it when one realizes love and being in love can be a life's pursuit worth seeking. In this film, the actor sets aside a $4 million role in a film with wild abandon only to enlist every available film to take over a remake of "The Music Man" of which the love of his life will star as well. The movie is being filmed in his hometown Pittsburgh, so what could go wrong? After all he is an accomplished actor of which the movie maker should be grateful to have him. Well, he is put through a trial of a variety of talents and what results is a very funny film.
The very oddest parody of this film is that it lacks a distributor in the USA and it's actual audience doesn't even know it exists. The theme to my visit to The Traverse Film Festival would prove to be the understanding of the very plight of this delightful film. It would seem as though the film industry highly descriminates against independant film producers to 'corner' every available dollar into their 'ready cash' till. In fact, as the days wore on it became very obvious to me that Hollywood, which I often refer to as Hollyweed, is simply that. A weed among the crop of great films available that the American Public never sees.