Thursday, August 24, 2006

... Coulter the horse?

Ann Coulter Banned in New Jersey?

Two New Jersey Democrats are pushing to have Ann Coulter's new book "Godless: The Church of Liberalism," banned from all bookstores in their state because she criticized four 9/11 widows known as "the Jersey Girls."
In a joint press release issued Friday, New Jersey Assemblywomen Joan Quigley and Linda Stender say they want New Jersey retailers to "ban the sale of [Coulter's] book throughout the state."

PERHAPS it took the kidnapping of FOX News Journalists to bring this completely offensive news team to it's senses. The scuttlebutt/Buzz is that Pat Robertson is stating "This is what FOX News gets for attacking others in incompassionate ways. After all we are all God's children."

Murky group claims responsibility for kidnapping Fox journalists

An unknown militant group demanded the release of Muslim prisoners in U.S. jails within 72 hours in exchange for two kidnapped Fox News journalists, who were shown sitting cross-legged and barefoot on the floor in a video released Wednesday.
The video, which broke 10 days of silence from the kidnappers, marked the first time militants in Gaza have issued demands going beyond the conflict with Israel. The footage also had none of the trappings of locally produced videos, such as flags or masked gunmen, raising the possibility that foreign extremists may have taken root in Gaza.

I JUST WON'T put it past FOX to pull a stunt like this to win support for Tony "It's Great" Snow. The screaming wife was just 'the touch' we were all looking for. In similar cultural fashion to the way Muslim women beg for the lives of their men when captured, the wife of a captured journalist carried on the same way. It's all too strange, if you ask me. I hope the journalists are retuned home safely. No different than all the other journalists globally including the New York Times researcher in China whom's fate is to be announced on Friday. Whom by the way, never seems to make the headlines or even a story line at FOX News.

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