Saturday, July 29, 2006

Muslim human rights violations can frequently include women. Girls. This is not an exclusively Kurdish problem. (click on)

There are some very strick religious precepts to marriage in the Kurdish culture. At times, no different than in Pakistan or Turkey, deadly.

'Honour killings' increasing in Britain as women stand up for their rights (click on)
By Karyn Miller and Tom Harper
(Filed: 16/07/2006)

The number of "honour killings" in Britain is rising, campaigners have said.
Their warning came after the brother and cousin of Samaira Nazir, 25, were sentenced to life imprisonment for her barbaric murder.
Miss Nazir, a recruitment consultant from Southall, west London, was murdered in April last year. She was strangled with a silk scarf, stabbed 18 times and had her throat cut. She had argued with her Pakistani family after rejecting an arranged marriage and falling in love with an Afghan asylum seeker. Her two nieces, aged two and four, were made to watch the murder, and were found spattered with her blood.

In Turkey, 'Honor Killing' Follows Families to Cities Women Are Victims Of Village Tradition (click on)

By Molly Moore
Washington Post
Foreign Service
Wednesday, August 8, 2001; Page A01
ISTANBUL -- By Sait Kina's way of thinking, his 13-year-old daughter brought nothing but dishonor to his family: She talked to boys on the street, she ran away from home, she was the subject of neighborhood gossip.
Two months ago, when she tried to run away yet again, Kina grabbed a kitchen knife and an ax and stabbed and beat the girl until she lay dead in the blood-smeared bathroom of the family's Istanbul apartment.
He then commanded one of his daughters-in-law to clean up the mess. When his two sons came home from work 14 hours later, he ordered them to dispose of the 5-foot-3 corpse, which had been wrapped in a carpet and a blanket. The girl's head had been so mutilated, police said, it was held together by a knotted cloth.
"I fulfilled my duty," Kina told police after he was arrested, according to investigators' reports presented in the court case against the father and his two sons. "We killed her for going out with boys."

Girl killed over love song (click on)

By ALEX PEAKEA YOUNG Asian woman was murdered for bringing disgrace on her family — after they heard a love song had been dedicated to her on a radio station, cops said yesterday.
The so-called honour killing was probed by West Yorkshire Police — but they met a wall of silence in the girl’s Pakistani community.
A conference in London was told yesterday the girl, in her late teens or early 20s, was taken abroad and probably murdered in Pakistan.
The conference on honour killings heard 117 deaths and disappearances of Asian women are being re-investigated.
Heshu Yones, 16, from Acton, West London, was stabbed 11 times by her dad before he slit her throat.
Her Kurdish Muslim father, jailed for life for murder in 2002, said he had to kill her because she formed a relationship with a Lebanese Christian.