Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I have a life to try to save.

Nearly twenty years ago, my sister, Patricia was diagnosed with an astrocytoma. A brain tumor. The initial diagnosis was made at a community hospital with the prediction of six months longevity. Her spouse refused to believe it.

Patricia was a vivacious, petit woman who was very alive at the time and except for blurred vision she was her ususal perfection. Pat had concluded her professional career with AT&T International and moved to Ohio to start a family with a very successful husband. They were in Ohio for 3 months when she manifested the vision problem.

Her spouse sent her biopsies to three different university hospitals around the country. She ended up a month later at The Cleveland Clinic under the vigilance of Dr. Janet Bay. There she was given a successful 'shunt' operation and thirty days of radiation. We owe every day since then in thanks to the excellance of the technology and staff of The Cleveland Clinic.

She is now nearly twenty years out from the initial diagnosis. Her tumor has manifested again. This time there is a second one. The staff at the University Hospital she is getting care from feels strongly she will prevail after a one time treatment of a Gamma Knife. I believe so as well.

The Cleveland Clinic has perfected "The Gamma Knife" but is not the only hospital to have one.

My sister needs this treatment. She was supposed to have her treatment on Friday. I received a call a short time ago that she has cancelled her appointment because she is scared. I am scared. I need to attend to my sister's apprehensions. She is a few hours drive west from me and it will give me time to resolve my issues and plan a setting away from all others and help her sort through her complicated life.

For that reason, it might be a few days before I am back blogging as usual. I'll be back from time to time but it's a time for reflection and mentoring.

Check with Michael Moore. I believe in his message. I believe in Freedom.

Have a good day.