This picture was taken by a citizen of Indianapolice from another nearby tower this is the Region Bank. All this damage was caused by high wind according to this photographer. The structure has physical damage on at least two sides.
Very costly. I guess Global Warming was supposed to make itself known in a Hollywood style way to impress the people of this country. Not necessarily. But, a heck of a storm system moved in from the west yesterday.
"Day After Tomorrow" is here !
Rich Van Wyk/Eyewitness News
Indianapolis, April 3 - A severe storm blew gaping holes through Indiana's third tallest building Sunday night.
Corner offices were left wide open after windows and walls were peeled away. However, desks, chairs and other furnishings went untouched.
For downtown workers this is a sight of stunning fascination.
"it is amazing. It is amazing what mother nature has don to the building," said John Pappas.
Sixteen of the tower's 36 floors are damaged. Yet it's owner says the building is structurally sound.
"City engineers have gone through, they've walked every floor of the building to make sure it is safe," said Todd Maurer, president of Halakar Properties.
The building, best known as the Region's Bank Tower is closed until workers seal off damaged areas. It's a major inconvenience for dozens of legal, financial and professional firms located here. With two weeks left until tax day, Ted Mesh's CPA firm hasn't a day to loose.
"We need to get back to work. Whether it is from there or another location or work from home," said Ted Mesh of RJ CPA.
Tons of debris rained down on several blocks over night. Some of it knocked holes through the roof of the Indianapolis Star.
Even more steel and glass appear ready to fly off in the stiff winds. Streets are blocked to cars and pedestrians, jamming traffic in all directions.
"When we are sure nothing is going to fall off the buildings, then we will reopen the streets," explained Mayor Bart Peterson.
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