Friday, April 07, 2006

As the polar cap melts the water will seek 'holes' in terra firma first.

April 6, 2006.

Budapest, Hungary.

As the spaces, even miniscule spaces due to 'grain size' of earth fill with water there will be permanent flood plains where there was once none.

Photographer states :: 2006/04/06 18:12 CEST. The water-level of the river Danube increased continually for seven days in a row. Yesterday the flood culmination had eventuated with a depth of 860 centimetres at Budapest. Since then the water level decreased a bit - 20-22 centimetres. Most seriously affected are the localities situated in the landscape called the Bend of Danube. Flooded places are in the north-western suburbs of the capital city, too. I took this picture on the right side of the river Danube; the Margaret island is in the background. It is raining.

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