Friday, April 07, 2006

An island of sand bags in an ocean of flood plain.

April 6, 2006.

Budapest, Hungary.

Photographer states :: 2006/04/06 18:14 CEST. The water-level of the river Danube increased continually for seven days in a row. Yesterday the flood culmination had eventuated with a depth of 860 centimetres at Budapest. Since then the water level decreased a bit - 20-22 centimetres - but henceforward it is far taller than was during last 120 years whenever - the news said. Most seriously affected are the localities situated in the landscape called the Bend of Danube. Flooded places are in the north-western suburbs of the capital city, too. Lots of small businesses and private individuals are seriously affected. I took this picture on the right side of the river Danube; the Margaret island is in the background. It is raining.
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