Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Bush OVER REACHES again.

United States recalls ambassador to Syria

The New York Times was sensitive enough to mention the attacks in Beirut involved many more people than Mr. Rafik Hariri.

It was inappropriate of Bush to take the ambassador out of Syria. The Syrian Ambassador wasn't in danger. The violence occurred in Lebanon. An Ambassador to Syria is exactly what the situation needs. Bush is reacting to OLD BEIRUT so he can 'Do It His Way.'

Thanks to Bush's over-reaction to the events in Lebanon, Russia feels Syria has a right to protect itself from still another irresponsible and illegal invasion.

Sharon: Russia to go ahead with missile sales to Syria

By News Agencies

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Tuesday he has been informed by Russian President Vladimir Putin that Russia will go ahead with the sale of anti-aircraft missiles to Syria, despite Israel's misgivings.

ONCE AGAIN Bush has escalated a situation without regard to the safety of the region. What did he expect? This is the USA President that is going to bring PEACE to the Middle East?

No. Not in a long stretch of the imagination. Once again, it is upto the area to solve their own problems and find ways to trust each other.

The withdrawal from the territories continues as it should.

Ya'alon's term as IDF chief to end on schedule

By The Associated Press

Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon will leave his post after his three-year term is up in July, just before Israel is to begin its pullout from the Gaza Strip.

THE USA needs to de-escalate their approach and rely on leadership in the area as displayed by Jordan's Abdullah to assess the violence and organize an approach that disarms Hezbollah.