With the American Public demanding to know what exactly happened in the run up to the war in Iraq and the misuse of USA Intelligence the best the White House has to offer is '…well they agreed on the same intelligence, too."
Not exactly.
In addition where the American People had become indoctrinated into a "Culture of Fear" endorsed by some media services in the country it sadly compromised what the electorate would consider a 'strong' candidate who would take on the 'enemy' while people of peace would appear to be weak and ineffective.
Yet. Representative Dennis Kucinich who strongly opposes still today the war in Iraq is still in the House. Whether you support him or not you cannot ignore his statements.
He has an independent website where he raises funds for future political endeavors. He questions the idea that the USA will never leave Iraq with the reality that it has spent upwards of $300 billion so far with the construction of many new military bases in Iraq. He currently has a House Joint Resolution 55 for the planned withdrawal of troops from Iraq.
House JR 55
Video link:
Realizing the level of investment made by the USA along with the cronies of Bush/Cheney and the windfall profits from this region for those 'Favorite Son' businesses, only to be aware of the fact visiting Deputy Prime Minister from Iraq Chalabi (video at bottom of page) stated clearly in his address on C-Span that the most the Iraqi military now has is automatic weapons. If that is the case and the USA were to leave with expensive and sophisticated military bases in it's wake then what indeed is the potential for not only Iraq but it's neighbor to the north Iran?
George Walker Bush has designed this invasion to be a forever war and a forever presence in Iraq. That is why there is a determined opposition and insurgency and why their desperation has lead them to attacks on allied nations of the USA such as Jordan.
The only way to stop this insanity and bottomless pit spending is to remove all those that support USA aggression to date while still unable to secure the very villian that planned and implimented the attacks of 911, while replacing them with a 'regime' of peace determined to work within the fabric of the International Community and remove the terrorist networks that remain successful and growing under this current regime in DC !
We don't belong in Iraq.
We never did !!