Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Demystifying a Storm - I hate oppression. In the media increased commercial interruption is a passive FORCED oppression of relivant information.

There are several ways of identifying the intensity of a storm when it is a convection center (A Spinning Storm with 'an eye.')

On a local level when a storm is approaching it can be detected by a barometer. If a storm is across the nation it won't be possible to detect it's severity for friends and family by a barometer.

Storms are measured by wind speed and pressure in millibars. There are correlations between the two that classify the severity of storms.

Shall we:

One Knot = 1.15077945 miles

Google Calculator:

Type of Storm .............Wind Speed in Knots....................................Pressure in Millibars

Tropical Depression ....Less than 34 ................................................ Not Measured

Tropical Storm .............34 to 63 knots ..............................................Not Measured

Hurricane Cat One ......64 to 82 knots ..............................................Greater than 980 millibars

Hurricane Cat Two .....83 to 95 knots ..............................................965 to 980 millibars

Hurricane Cat Three ..96 to 112 knots ............................................945 to 964 millibars

Hurricane Cat Four ....113 to 135 knots ..........................................920 to 944 millibars

Hurricane Cat Five .....Greater than 135 knots...............................Less than 920 millibars

Yes, the speed of a storm is inverse to the it's pressure. The lower the pressure the more dangerous the storm.

The issue of proportion of commercials to 'subject' time on the USA airways is limiting the CONTENT of the news networks. Filling the airways with more and more commercials increases the PROPAGANDA of the government and industry and less information about the world and its interactions with the USA. This is an administration struggling AGAIN for control of it's image while fighting wars abroad and at home. A broad against the sovereign nations it has invaded, ie: I sight the British aggression against a Basra jail and in Afghanistan the wish of President Karzi for the foreign forces to leave his country. Domestically Bush is desperately fighting a war AGAINST Global Warming with the repeated storms in the Altantic and Gulf. He has gotten so desperate to maintain his oil focus that The National Hurricane Center is making up phenomina that it's director is stating is a cyclical dedade or two natural event.

If that were the case this would be 'old hat' and not alarming events. The USA lies chronically about environmental issues increasing the danger to citizens. I am used to this under this administration. When the manifestations of end stage Global Warming first manifested in October 2002 the National Weather Center came up with all kinds of phenomina but never the actual issue.

I've been through this idiocy before.

Bill Clinton's new Global Initiative has the right idea. If Global Warming was insignificant it would be irrelivant. Global Warming is an issue globally that causes suffering and death.