Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Latest in Anti-American Sentiment from CNN

Their Special 4th of July Program of Lou Dobbs.

Grange Always Get's It "W"rong anyway. That man has been so "W"rong about so much he is nearly "W"rong enough to be Bush.

This is regarding recruitment of teenagers who don't know what they want in life yet and the 'child registry' for developement of child soldiers that has begun under Cheney.

Joining me now for more on this practice is our own CNN military analyst, General David Grange.

And thanks for being with us, sir.


PILGRIM: How unusual is this? Why is this just coming to light now?

GRANGE: Well, it's not very unusual. It's been a practice that's been in place for some time. It's just, I think, highlighted more now because of the war in Iraq. But recruiters have been -- have access to high schools, and sometimes they're turned down, depending on the leadership of that particular school.

PILGRIM: General Grange, can the schools legally bar military recruiters from their premises?

GRANGE: Legally they cannot (This of course is Strange Grange's Eminent Domaine over EVERY life in the country. Sorry, General Slavery was Abolished a long time ago.), according to Title 10 U.S. Code, and also the No Child Left Behind Act. But many of them get away with it, and it's rarely enforced.

PILGRIM: You know, there are many different kinds of recruiters that come to school. And sometimes the military is asked not to be there. Do you think there's a bias against the military in some of our public schools in this country?

GRANGE: I think in some of the schools there is a bias. I mean, it should be no different for a recruiter of the armed forces coming to a school if sports recruiters or business recruiters come to a school, especially if the reason for not allowing military recruiters to come in is because of privacy issues. I mean, it should apply across the board if that's the case.

PILGRIM: You make a really great point. There's the assumption that children would like to be recruited by sports recruiters, but potentially not military, and that maybe isn't the case, is it?

GRANGE: That's correct. And of course there are some people who just do not like the military. And when you're at war, like we have right now ongoing in Iraq, people get very personal about this, and they let their own opinions dominate what the -- what the procedures are backed up by the U.S. government. And that's what you have right now, I believe.

PILGRIM: Let's talk aggregate numbers for a second. If the Army and the Marines can't make their quotas, where will that leave us on the war in Iraq?

GRANGE: Well, it looks like there's going to be -- the insurgency will continue in Iraq for some time to come. The U.S. may not be involved, let's say beyond 2006, except for an advisory status. But the insurgency will continue for at least another decade.

And so there is going to be some issues over there, and it's going to be issues for the United States military, at least for another couple years. And if the recruiting goes as it is now, it will put a tremendous stress on the military. And those that are already wearing the uniform will just be worked harder than ever before. And that will cause some severe retention problems.

PILGRIM: All right. Thank you very much for your insight on this very important issue, General David Grange. And happy Fourth of July, sir.

GRANGE: Same to you. Thank you.

And happy Fourth of July to the Draconian Kitty Pilgram and Strange Grange. How sad does it get? She must not have kids, it is all to easy for her to send them to the war front to die from as early an age of sixteen. These people are NOT on your side. We don't belong in Iraq. We never did. The Sunni clerics are starting a campaign among their flock for politicalization of their misunderstood rebellion, or as people with limited cognitive properties think of it 'insurgency.' The Iraqis don't want us there. We are trouble to them. We bring foreign fighters who kill the Iraqis to make a point while trying to kill Americans.


Then ON THE WAR EDITION, "Behind the Lines" of "Wolf Blitzer" these day it was reported THE MOST IMPORTANT structure to the Iraqis is their offshore Oil Distribution platforms. Really? Iraq hasn't got much of a shoreline. At any rate it was stated that ALL THE RECONSTRUCTION funding comes from the countries oil supplies and sales. What? Happened to the $20 billion the people of the USA went into debt for to reconstruct Iraq. We know $8 billion has gone for security, what happened to the other $12 billion?