Tuesday, July 05, 2005

...isms in Russia and around the Globe these are COMMON Anitsemitic statements, even in the USA !! Isn't that right, Mr. Bush?

Do Jews Dominate World Politics and Finance?

By Jock L. Falkson
IHC Abstract

A group of Russian nationalist MPs recently called for a ban on all Jewish groups, blaming them for provoking antisemitism and ethnic hatred. A letter, signed by 20 members of the Duma, called on the prosecutor-general to punish all Jewish groups in Russia because Jews dominate politics and finance abroad!

Analysis of this antisemitic nonsense is still necessary. We must always refute and expose antisemitic lies. This new particular absurdity is no more valid than the notorious, century-old Russian forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (1905). The Protocols was first published by the Russian secret police to influence Tsar Nicholas into blaming the Jews for Russia’s turmoil.
If anyone in Russia is provoking racism and ethnic hatred these days, it is this group of MPs, manifestly guilty of spreading totally false and unfounded allegations.

A group of Russian nationalist MPs have recently called on the prosecutor-general to ban all Jewish groups, blaming them for provoking antisemitism and ethnic hatred.

A letter, signed by 20 members of the Duma, accuses Jews of dominating politics and the world of finance abroad and underwriting a war on Russian patriotism at home.

You would have thought these 20 Duma Deputies were concerned with Jews dominating politics and finance in Russia. But no, this apparently was not their complaint. They called on the prosecutor-general to punish all Jewish groups in Russia…because Jews dominate politics and finance abroad!

Don’t you find that incredible?

I believe there is pressure from Russian authorities to have this statement withdrawn. I hope that happens, but whether it does or not, analysis of this antisemitic nonsense is still necessary. We must always refute and expose antisemitic lies.

Jews are some 14 million, give or take a million, in a world of 6,379,157,361 (according to the CIA World Fact Book 2004) living in 192 countries. So our 14 million, over 10 million of whom live in Israel and the U.S., dominate world politics and finance? If their allegation were not the height of antisemitic balderdash surely the Guinness Book of Records should have given us title-page ranking by now?

Consider, for example, the well known political “power” of the Jewish/Israel lobby in the United Nations. Think about the deceitful annual resolutions of the Muslim nations against Israel. Year after year these anti-Jewish, anti-Israel resolutions are passed by enormous majorities…with only the U.S., Micronesia and sometimes the Marshall Islands voting for Israel.

That is as good as Israel’s indomitable world political clout gets. A more miserable example of Jewish political power in world politics is hard to conceive. Yet all kinds of antisemites are convinced of the truth of this nonsensical lie. What is missing, of course, is the evidence. But who needs evidential truth when a doctrine of lies works so well for born and bred Jew haters?
We have here shades of Mahathir Mohamad, the Malaysian Prime Minister who last year accused Jews of ruling the world and compelling nations to fight their (Jewish) wars by proxy! Yet, though Israel would have been among the first to join the American-led coalition against Iraq, it was the only country in the world not permitted to do so.

As for the allegation that Jews are fomenting anti-Russian patriotism, the only thing that can be said in its favor is that this is a new one. If only we understood how this is being done and, specifically, how will it benefit Jews if Russians were less patriotic.

But absurdity was never good enough a reason to eliminate Jew-hatred. This particular absurdity is no more valid than the notorious, century old Russian forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion (1905). Philip Graves, a London Times journalist, exposed this forgery in 1921 in a series of articles. He revealed that sections had been taken verbatim from a French political satire Dialogues in Hell by Maurice Joly (1864).

Protocols was first published by the Russian secret police to influence Tsar Nicholas into blaming the Jews (the world’s favorite scapegoat) for Russia’s turmoil. Some sources say the secret police themselves composed the forgery.

The Protocols continues to stoke the fires of antisemitism to this day. It has done us immense harm. Antisemites refuse to let it die. These days it is reprinted and enthusiastically distributed by Arab nations to demonize Israel. Our so-called peace partner Egypt is heavily engaged. So is Syria, our so-called wannabe peace partner. So is Iran, which has actually announced its agenda to fulfill Hitler’s Jewish genocide. (But Hitler had it easy. Iran will not, for Israel is not defenseless.)

Antisemites believe that Jews are so powerful in financial matters they can bend the economy of the world to benefit Jews specifically. Moreover that Jews in high places are engaged in a secret conspiracy to bring this about. But why on earth would any ‘intelligent’ antisemite fear such a bunch of losers with nothing to show for pursuing a preposterous chimera for 100 years?
What rational person can possibly believe Jews could control world finance - so that they alone benefited - while the rest of the world suffered? How can anyone believe there is any minor group in any country which can dominate world finance? How evil and monstrous to try and pin this dangerous claptrap on us!

Market forces and supply and demand are the economic realities that shape the ebb and flow of the economies of individual countries and groups of nations. Like a tsunami wave, these factors overwhelmed the 70 year old Soviet communist economy and forced communist China to adopt capitalist techniques and methods - as a result of which they have become a world industrial force. China looks set to become the world’s top exporting nation in the next 10 years.

How on earth can any group of individuals dominate such titanic world forces? How insufferable is the paranoia of antisemites who keep alive a conspiracy that never was – compelling us to refute their infantile but deadly illusion.

How can Jews, however intelligent, educated and smart they might be, play a dominant role in the turbulent sea of world economics? More to the point, why would smart, intelligent, highly educated Jews even consider pursuing such an uneducated, un-smart, unintelligent, stupid idea?
If anyone in Russia is provoking racism, ethnic hatred and antisemitism these days, it is this group of Deputies, manifestly guilty of spreading totally false and unfounded allegations.
