Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The Shady Bunch - include in that Halliburton as well as the 'knowing' stockholders

It is a known fact the USA did not do the 'right thing' to the world in World War II and played both sides of the Allied and Axis forces for wealth. I am confident somewhere in there lies Prescott Bush which just goes to prove things haven't changed much. They are all opportunists. The difference today is that we live in a world POST War World II with institutions formed from the lessons of history namely The World Courts, The United Nations with laws enforced at The Hague like Genocide and Human Rights.

I am not surprised the allogations can be made there are financial connections back to financiers in the USA to Nazi Germany. Adolph Hilter rose to power and was respected in many ways including his sponsorship of the First International Olympic Games, hence 'the perfect human' obsession.

What makes me skeptical of any allogations regarding a former USA Senator in Prescott Bush is the fact he served if I am not mistaken with Eisenhower, so I thought. There are all kinds of allogations out there. I don't see that it matters. I do know that George Walker Bush should stand on his own to be judged exclusive of his father or grandfather and their public and military service to this country. I do believe them to be honorable men.

On the other hand, I sincerely take issue with George Walker Bush and his assertions regarding The World Courts and 'the place' in the world for the USA. The USA is not a primadonna. nor should it be. In order to be an effective nation we have to join efforts to combat issues that beset all nations. I do not approve of Bush's Pre-Emption, Patroit Act or moving juridiction over civil issues to a War Tribunal just because he has decided chronic war is okay in this country.

As an administration goes the atrocities are unmatched to ANY others in USA history. Bush has taken this country into insoluble debt, placed cronies in contracts that were never bid on and has promised practically a new constitution to the Right Wing (his party base) in order to have every scandal swept under the carpet including his dishonorable service in the Air National Guard where he hid from military service while the Vietnam War was being conducted.

There maybe a 'link' somewhere to finances of Nazi Germany tracable to The Bush Family. I don't really care. That is a waste of time and energy as far as I am concerned. But, what does concern me is the lose of democracy that this Great Society enjoyed and it's plunge into debt as well as the lose of esteem in the International Community. George Walker Bush's administration with the mentoring of Richard Cheney is directly responsible for that.

They are scandalously manipulative and the sorry state of affairs the country finds itself is complete proof of that including the unscrupulous and exorbitantly expensive Medicare Drug Program (No fault belonging to the Seniors) as well as the dissolving of the FDA.

As far as Senator Byrd. I love the guy. He is an exceptional patriot. Filibuster away Senator Byrd. I'll watch C-Span and cheer you on every minute.