It is Huge.
Tom DeLay is up on charges in Texas. It is directly in conflict to a chance for his re-election. It is also in direct conflict with impending Ethics Violations in Congress and his dismissal from his Congressional Seat.
Tom DeLay cleans up nice but the underpinnings of his life and legislative career STINK. And Stink Big Time. I am not convinced his constituency isn't as corrupt as he is which explains his continued election success.
DeLay Defends Trip and Vote, Attacks Critics
GOP Leader Offers To See Ethics Panel
By Mike Allen and James V. Grimaldi
Washington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, March 16, 2005; Page A01
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) yesterday launched a defense of his travel arrangements and relationships with lobbyists, offering to appear before the ethics committee to answer questions and charging that his critics were relying on "fiction and innuendo."
DeLay's efforts at political damage control followed a recent spate of news reports raising ethical questions about his fundraising and overseas travel paid for by special interests.
THE POLITICS is huge for others as well. Standing on 'THE CLOUT' shoulders so far lining up with Tom DeLay is minimally, David Weldon of Florida stating his Florida offices are getting many popular calls from constituents supporting the parents of Terri Schiavo. And DeLay's 'good cowboy buddy' Clint Moore. I doubt if Clint Moore is related to Michael Moore, but, hey Mike gets his information somewhere.
The people who would fall if Tom DeLay is prosecuted and called before The Congressional Ethics Committee are numerous. I would venture a guess that entire corrupt Repuglican Party will suffer if DeLay goes down.
The Terri Schiavo Case is a Political Volley and NOTHING ELSE.