Thursday, March 24, 2005

DeLay, Deny and Demagogue

conti2005 - 6:15 AM ET March 24, 2005 (#24242 of 24266)Killed in Battle in January in Iraq per NewsNight, Age 26 Fuller , age26 Gilbert , age 23 Gibson

Every battle the ultimate battle.

I told you so.

Now, Jeb Bush is trying to make Michael Schiavo into a criminal after fifteen years of patiently providing care for her while the system works it's political 'stars' to the top of the Religious Right 'Hit List.'

The issue is the people at the center of this are too indignant to call Americans anymore.


Mr. Schindler last night.

"It's not a good day for Terri and I think there's indication today the neurologist that said Terri is not in PVS joins 33 other doctors who have stated that that have been totally ignored by this judge, Judge Greer, who's on a crusade to kill our daughter Terri."

Do you think Judge Greer is out to kill a woman inappropriately feed to continue a life prisoned in a body that provides to quality?



"I don't think that the courts are going to be helpful at all. Actually they've banded together to uphold this one particular judge and we've had very little success in the courts. They're not hearing any of the evidence that we presented them.

And our only hope at this point, as we see it, is through the governor and the Department of Children and Families or very possibly the governor exercises his executive authority."

Do you think the courts have banded together (Circled the wagons.) to protect Judge Greer?


Do you think there is a very 'slick' politician who is at the center of this MILKING it for all it's worth?

YEAH. Several of them. I'll venture a guess at least Tom DeLay, Jeb and George Bush and half the Repuglican Party. I am surprised Cheney has 'crowed' in but then again mass killing is his specialty and he is polishing the nukes.

Again in the same conversation:

"... Terri has been I say really railroaded into a death sentence by this particular judge, the Circuit Court judge that has a background in real estate and he has a crusade to kill this girl."

Do you believe Judge Greer is only capable of reading Titles to Real Estate?


Maureen. Ready. Here comes the conspiracy that Jeb Bush and Mr. Schindler are desperately trying to fight together.

"The Department of Children and Families they came in and they see where she's being abused by her guardian, which is her husband, and they're trying to intercede and this Judge Greer again has blocked that and derailed that whole program. So, in essence you can see now who's running this country."

"...So, in essence you can see now who's running this country."

"...So, in essence you can see now who's running this country."

"...So, in essence you can see now who's running this country."


And again...same conversation...

"By that I mean that the judges are running this country. It's not the people any longer. You have a judge like that, a Circuit Court judge, who can exercise so much influence and these other judges are backing him up and opposing the Congress. They're opposing the governor. I think the handwriting is on the wall."

THEN 'The Violation of Trust'

The Question of all Questions

"...This is a difficult question to ask. Is there anything at this point that any doctor could say to you that would make you believe that the best outcome here, as sad an outcome as it is, would be to let your daughter pass?"

THE QUESTION seems straight forward to me. No? What does Schindler do? He turns on the inquiry and attempts to redirect the focus. Slick.

The conversation ends shortly after this. "I don't understand exactly what you mean by that, that we should let her go?"

Redirect, same context:

"No, sir. I'm asking you -- no, sir. I'm asking you if there's anything any doctor could say to you that would convince you of her medical condition is such that the best outcome would be to let her pass?"


"What we've been told by many, many doctors that if she was given proper therapy she could recover to a point where she could rejoin society.

...many, many doctors that if she was given proper therapy she could recover to a point where she could rejoin society.

...many, many doctors that if she was given proper therapy she could recover to a point where she could rejoin society."


"She'd never be 100 percent but she could improve. She talks. She's not in PVS. She responds. She's aware. But she's not been treated in ten, 12 years. She's been left literally on a shelf in a room and the prognosis for Terri, the prognosis for her is that if she was given any kind of treatment, therapy, she could improve and that's what we've been told by dozens of doctors."

WITH THAT THE conversation ends because it is becoming to bizarre to believe.

"Mr. Schindler, none of us who sit around and think about this or talk about this can imagine what it's like to walk in your shoes for all these years and we appreciate your time tonight. Thank you, sir, Bob Schindler."

I DO KNOW WHAT it is like to face a person who has no possible chance at life in a way that matters. I DON'T KNOW what it is like to face a person with no possible chance at life THAT IS USED AS A POLITICAL VOLLEY. Welcome to the insanity of The Bush Theocracy.

I thought this was interesting from Tony Blair yesterday:

"...Mr Blair, battered by Conservative tabloid pressures on abortion, insisted on Tuesday:

"I do not want to end up with an American style of politics, with us all going out there beating our chest about our faith." [...]

NOW, you'll excuse me, Maureen but I do actually have a life worth living and subjects more pressing than the CHRONIC AND CONTINUOUS indulgence of the Election of The Religious Right 'Nut Case Criminal' Party.

Have a better day everyone.

The Bushs are WACKOS !