Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I believe in love. I believe in happiness. I believe in a generation that can have it all and handle all their potential.


Handle it well.

Have at 'em, Nicholas.

Our young people's lives are at stake. I get tired of all this stupidity.

You ever pay attention to the priorities the Evangelicals have when it comes to morality?
I mean really pay attention. Have you?

Nicholas when you met your wife did you take your time? Get to know each other. Make no mistakes. Did you charm each other into every intimacy of each other? Drank so much of the essence of each, you knew it was the two of you that belonged together.

That wonderful 'knowing' that a couple shares.

Then there is the mutual respect for the differences you share because you can't imagine a life without tolerance for each other 'in that way.'

Respect for each other that is so abiding it elevates the two of you to a pinnacle of success in all aspects of life including the choice of parenting or NOT. The choice of career or NOT. The choice of a 'way of life' - 'quality of life' - 'foreverness' - 'an unsinkable relationship that doesn't bruise easily.'

Those qualities of relationship takes sophistication, dedication, character including playfulness, sharing, intimacy, nudity, sensuality, sexuality and melding into a couple, not just two people in a relationship.

There are a lot of shallow relationships that call themselves 'moral' because they happen to make it to the alter or the justice of the peace on the way to bed.

To ACHIEVE a relationship that sustains requires one to first commit oneself to thyself. That means 'drinking up life' and 'knowing yourself'' while preparing for times to be shared with another and a family if that is where the goals lie.

Unwanted pregnancy is no way to live while regretting that others seem to be a 'stronger moral' people that somehow made it through collge/university/trade school when 'weakness' of character dictated marriage and children instead, only to serve a morality that oppresses and controls.

GO GET 'EM, Mr. Kristof.