From The Sydney Morning Herald - Charred Car believed to have caused the death of a woman and two children caught in the wildfires.
![Posted by Hello](http://photos1.blogger.com/pbh.gif)
The Chicago Tribune
From the Los Angeles Times
Skies Clear, but Storms' Toll Mounts
The number of dead hits 15 -- six of them at La Conchita, where a dozen are still missing. Damage in L.A. County is pegged at nearly $30 million.
Gay rights legislation sails through House
Dozen from GOP join majority
By Christi Parsons
Tribune staff reporter
Published January 12, 2005
SPRINGFIELD -- As gay rights activists prayed and held hands in the chamber's balcony, the Illinois House Tuesday approved a bill banning discrimination against gays and lesbians, prompting the legislature's sole openly gay lawmaker to tearfully proclaim his colleagues had chosen to be on "the right side of history."
"I take it these aircraft still require CO2 producing fuel? High speed magnet rail doesn't."
Boeing bets big on a plastic plane
7E7 must soar for company to challenge Europeans' supremacy
By Michael Oneal and David Greising
Tribune staff reporters
Published January 12, 2005
SEATTLE -- Boeing Co. doesn't often let the public into its secured development center here. But on Tuesday, after months of bad news about defense scandals, trade wars and lost sales, the Chicago-based company finally had something to crow about.
From Newsday
Major Internet attack seen
Published January 11, 2005, 4:53 PM CST
A devastating attack will hit the Internet or electrical grid in the next decade, a majority of experts predicted in new report.
Increase in women doctors changing the face of medicine
Physicians are more patient friendly, but salaries are dropping and the MD shortage is getting worse
By Ronald Kotulak
Tribune science reporter
Published January 12, 2005
With women becoming doctors in ever-increasing numbers, medicine is generally becoming more patient friendly, treatment is improving and malpractice suits may become less common, experts say.
Don't dial -- delete!
By Meredith Goldstein
The Boston Globe
Published January 12, 2005
Blake Conney, 22, got drunk with friends a few weeks ago and did what people are known to do when they are feeling emotional, are not sober and are holding their cell phones late at night.
She dialed the number of someone she shouldn't be calling.
Roadside blast in Gaza kills one Israeli, wounds four
By Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondent and The Associated Press
One Israeli was killed and four Israel Defense Forces troops were wounded Wednesday morning when an explosive device went off along a patrol route near the settlement of Morag in the southern Gaza Strip.
PM wins war of wills with Likud rebels on 2005 State Budget bill
By Mazal Mualem and Zvi Zrahiya, Haaretz Correspondents
The Knesset on Wednesday approved the first reading of the 2005 State Budget bill after the Likud rebels decided to support it.
I UNDERSTAND now why John Kerry was in Syria. Where was Bush, encouraging the sale and closing the deal?
Syria missile deal said at heart of Israeli-Russia crisis
By Haaretz Service
A recent mystery crisis in Israeli-Russia relations - the subject of wide speculation with its details remaining classified - was sparked by Moscow's plans to sell Syria missiles capable of striking at nearly any target within Israel, the Moscow daily Kommersant reported Wednesday.
A cold wind is blowing
By Amir Oren
Russian President Vladimir Putin is a personal friend of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. At least that's what Sharon was seduced into believing, reckoning that he had persuaded Putin two years ago to give up selling advanced anti-tank weapons and planes to Syria.
Global Warming
Not all these articles are from today but they are all relevant and won't be repeated here.
The polar melt in Antarctica
Glaciers are melting in the Alps at an unprecedented rate. The polar ice caps are rapidly disappearing. Worst-case scenarios from scientists predict a dramatic increase in temperatures across much of the globe. For parts of the Northern Hemisphere, however, some scientists warn that ocean-current changes could produce radical cooling. Our world, so go such arguments, is about to change radically for the worse.
Climate Change as a Human Rights Issue for Subsistence-Based Societies
Tibet Justice Center[Friday, January 07, 2005 14:51]
Vol. 2, No. 6
By Julia Klein
In December 2004, a meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change took place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in anticipation of the upcoming entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol. At the same time, the Inuit -- 155,000 seal-hunting peoples scattered around the Arctic -- announced they were preparing a petition to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights stating that the United States, by contributing substantially to global warming, is threatening their existence.
Global warming thawing Qinghai Plateau
www.chinaview.cn 2005-01-10 11:25:09
XINING, Jan. 10 (Xinhuanet) -- Affected by global warming, the frozen earth on the Qinghai Plateau has been thawing, according to scientists with the northwest China's Qinghai Province.
Rocky Mountain glaciers showing effects of climate change
Last Updated Tue, 11 Jan 2005 19:43:28 EST
CBC News
CANMORE, ALTA. - Glaciers in Canada's Rocky Mountains are melting fast, scientists say, making them a barometer for climate change in Canada.
Responding to plans to erect a new 10-mile flood barrier across the Thames, the Liberal Democrats reveal Government figures that predict the threat of flooding to be so severe that the current barrier may have to be raised up to 325 times a year by 2100.
Drought's Growing Reach: Global Warming as Key Factor
Newswise — The percentage of Earth's land area stricken by serious drought more than doubled from the 1970s to the early 2000s, according to a new analysis by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Widespread drying occurred over much of Europe and Asia, Canada, western and southern Africa, and eastern Australia. Rising global temperatures appear to be a major factor, says NCAR's Aiguo Dai, lead author of the study.
State to reduce global warming
General Assembly plans to study host of options
By Robert Miller
Gina McCarthy used to drive a family van which got 20 miles to the gallon.
The state's new head of the Department of Environmental Protection now drives a Toyota Prius, one of the new hybrid gas-electric cars. It gets 45 mpg.
Climate change and Energy: 2004 round up (published on 7-Jan-2005)
The Kyoto Protocol and preparations for the European Emissions Trading System dominated the agenda for all climate change debates this year, with commentators drawn between wondering whether Kyoto goes far enough, or whether the proposed measures will cripple European industry.
Slowing global warming
Stronger vehicle emission standards would do something to limit the amount of greenhouse gases pumped into the atmosphere. Cleaner, more efficient vehicle engines would also improve the quality of air around the Puget Sound region.
Climate Change Plan Submitted To Connecticut Legislature
POSTED: 9:58 am EST January 7, 2005
HARTFORD, Conn. -- The Governor's Steering Committee on Climate Change has recommended 55 ways that Connecticut can reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.
NZ bids for global warming study fund
New Zealand and Chile are seeking US$10 million ($13.8 million) in United Nations funding to conduct the first comprehensive study of the effects of global warming on Southern Hemisphere glaciers.
From Global Warming to Volcanoes
With a greenhouse gas meeting starting in Buenos Aires on Monday, it's time to brush up on global warming. Locusts continue to plague Africa and parts of Europe. And keep up to date on natural disasters on planet Earth.
Large numbers of Desert Locust swarms continue to move north from West Africa to Northwest Africa. Smaller movements are underway in the Sahel towards the west, in the northern Red Sea, and a few swarms have arrived in the Canary Islands and southern Portugal.
US Says No Plans to Sign New Climate Change Pacts
Thu Dec 2, 2004 03:21 PM
By Jeff Mason
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The United States, considered an environmental laggard by its critics, is unlikely to sign any new pacts on climate change at a key environmental meeting this month, a senior U.S. official said on Thursday.
PBR: Climate change addressed
AccountancyAge.com, Accountancy Age 02 Dec 2004
Gordon Brown addressed climate change by 'accepting responsibility' before Britain's presidency of the G8 next year.
Some £20m has been provided to the Carbon Trust to increase the 'technology and policy' that can be used to help in the innovation of environmentally friendly fuel.
Road duties have been frozen, however, due to the high costs of oil.
Public have say on climate change
Ross Finnie is launching a public consultation into climate change
The Scottish Executive is launching a consultation on whether new measures are needed to tackle climate change.
Environment Minister Ross Finnie said he wants to hear the public's views on whether more needs to be done to reduce greenhouse gases in Scotland.
Mandelson attacks US climate change policy
Washington’s stance on Iran and climate change continues to divide the EU and US, Europe’s new trade chief Peter Mandelson has told a Brussels audience.
National program holds workshop
Experts talk about climate change
Ismail Al-Ghabiri
The workshop aimed at identifying the importance of all relevant stakeholders in environmental protection.
The General Authority for Environment Protection has organized its first workshop on the National Program to adapt to climate changes on Nov. 29.
The main objectives of the workshop were:
• To present the theme and main objectives of NAPA;
• To clarify the NAPA process and the role of all relevant stakeholders;
• To present and discuss the work plans of national teams;
• To enhance public awareness activities on climate change related issues.
A word was delivered by the Chairman of the General Authority for Environment Protection, Eng. Mahmood Shidiwah. He emphasized the importance of the climate change phenomenon that enables this international phenomenon to be connected to different essential sectors.
Heatwave Study May Fuel Global Warming Lawsuits
Thu Dec 2, 2004 02:38 PM GMT
By Alister Doyle, Environment Correspondent
OSLO (Reuters) - A study of a 2003 heatwave in Europe may give Pacific islanders and environmentalists new ammunition for legal cases blaming the United States for global warming, advocates said on Thursday.
Claims linked to climate change could dwarf billion-dollar awards against tobacco companies if U.N. forecasts to 2100 of rising temperatures, higher sea levels, catastrophic storms and droughts turn out to be true, they said.
Better global warming forecasting method found:
[Technology India]: London, Dec 2 : A Northeastern University researcher has claimed to have found a method to better the forecasting of global warming by unravelling that the soil below oak trees exposed to elevated levels of carbon dioxide had significantly higher carbon levels than those exposed to ambient carbon levels.
Winter blows through
By TONY SPILDE, Bismarck Tribune
Hey, guess what?
Winter begins today.
In a hurried bit of last-minute decorating, Mother Nature really laid into Bismarck on Monday. She turned the brown city white in about half an hour. For those complaining of a want of winter wonderland, well, you got what you wanted.
Warming of Lake Tahoe fits in with global trend
By Lisa M. Krieger
Mercury News
The frigid waters of Lake Tahoe are warming -- a trend so subtle it's unlikely to be felt by swimmers but substantial enough to worry scientists.
Joint efforts against global warming obstructed by US refusal to cooperate
Global warming is set to continue and bring with it an increase in extreme weather such as hurricanes and droughts, scientists from the United Nations’ World Meteorological Organisation warned last week.
Pakistan asks for global approach to combat climate-change
Pakistan Times National News Desk
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan called upon industrialized countries to adopt a global approach for combating climate change.
Targets and Performance
Targets are being and have been reviewed for all sectors with Climate Change Agreements in the light of government policy and performance to date, bearing in mind that each sector which gets a CCL discount is expected to make reasonable efforts within its capability.
Africa Lagging in Climate Change Studies
The East African (Nairobi)
December 20, 2004
Posted to the web December 21, 2004
Paul Redfern, Special Correspondent
FAR TOO little is currently known about the impact of climate change on development and poverty in Africa, a new report released last week says.
Climate change: Projections show EU on track to meet Kyoto Protocol emissions targets
PM’s Committee on climate change formed
ISLAMABAD , Dec 21 : Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz has formed a committee, Prime Minister’s Committee on climate change to address the issue of global climate change and its impact on Pakistan .
Arctic snap chills the East
Monday, December 20, 2004 Posted: 7:33 AM EST (1233 GMT)
Satellite image of the United States taken Monday at 6:32 a.m. ET.
(AP) -- Residents across parts of the East will wake up to chilly temperatures and snowy conditions early Monday as a coastal low pressure system lingers in the region.
New England can expect accumulations between 3 to 6 inches with a few additional inches likely throughout the day.
Scattered snow showers were forecast in the Great Lakes and parts of the Plains. Heavy lake effect snowfall was expected in Wisconsin and Michigan.
Much of the West could be under partly cloudy skies for the day, while scattered snow will dust northern Idaho, western Montana and northwestern Wyoming.
Temperatures on Monday were expected in the 20s to 30s in New England, the Southeast, Great Lakes, northern Rockies and Ohio and Tennessee valleys; 40s and 50s in the Gulf Coast states, Pacific Northwest, Great Basin, Mississippi Valley and central Plains; 60s and 70s in Texas, the southern Plains, California and the desert Southwest.
Around the Lower 48 states, temperatures Sunday ranged from a morning low of 31 degrees below zero in Crane Lake, Minnesota, to a high of 88 in Santee, California.
THE ONLY THING about an article like this is that people who oppose the idea of changing the way societies obtain energy will try to exploit the insight of the science and try to explain away an issue that should not be explained away. There are over 6 billion people on Earth as never before. Global Warming is real. It kills. What we are experiencing on Earth is Human Induced Global Warming because of over population of the planet, consumerism of civilization accompanied by neglect of the knowledge of scientists for decades. Governments have not taken care of their populous. NO ONE LISTENS. There is no controversy. Scientists for as brilliant as they are don't always say things as the public expects to hear it. Governments however should and DID know better! The United Nations through 'Sustainable Yield' and "Kyoto Protocol" has tried to avert these disasters without avail. People MUST expect their governments to protect them.
Major Climate Change Occurred 5,200 Years Ago: Evidence Suggests That History Could Repeat Itself
December 16, 2004
Glaciologist Lonnie Thompson worries that he may have found clues that show history repeating itself, and if he is right, the result could have important implications to modern society.
Thompson has spent his career trekking to the far corners of the world to find remote ice fields and then bring back cores drilled from their centers. Within those cores are the records of ancient climate from across the globe.
Wildfire advisory committee says more money, collaboration needed
UNDATED Three years after Western governors and the Bush administration agreed on a plan to reduce wildfire danger, money is still lacking and the partnership between the federal government and state and local agencies isn't working well.
Bush forms Cabinet committee to preserve oceans, coasts
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
WASHINGTON - (KRT) - While approving a new Ocean Action Plan, President Bush signed an executive order on Friday to create a Cabinet committee that will coordinate government efforts to curb water pollution, prevent over-fishing and protect fragile coastlines.
Satellites later.