Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Laura and Me

To further illustrate the damage cable network is providing in promoting a War Against Women, Larry King aired an interview with Laura Bush at her husband's side. During this one hour interview Mrs. Bush spoke 674 words whereby Mr. President spoke 5566. Laura was allowed to nod her head in agreement as much as she like however.

There was a subsequent hour long interview after my observations were posted to a message board regarding the ludicrous treatment of the First Lady. It didn't go much better with Larry King supporting the conversation and discussing areas of expertise by Mrs. Bush, namely family.

CNN/FOX never discusses Birth Control/Abortion as a Woman's Right to Choose. They are undermining democracy and the long and hard fought for values for women that an autonomous identity and financial independence as a person not just a spouse and mother is a RIGHT of Women and not something at the consent of an Evangelical Christian President.

Posted by Hello